About Me; 
Hello, My Name is Burak KIR. I was born on August 14, 1994 in Bakırköy, Istanbul. I completed my primary and secondary education at M.K.P.İ.O. School. Then, I completed my education at Çorlu Mehmet Rüştü Uzel A.T.L and E.M.L. Wood Department and completed my education at Karabük University, Faculty of Architecture, Department of Interior Architecture and entered the sector. I joined the business life in the field of material supply, not in the drawing and architecture part of the sector. I worked as a store sales personnel for 2 years, as a sales support personnel for 1 year and as an export personnel for 2 years at Türkmenler Building Materials Sanayi Ticaret Limited Company. I left my job as of 2024. In the process after I left, I decided to work in the sales and architectural project departments at Art Mosaic and Ceramic Company to complete my architectural deficiencies. I have been working at Art Mosaic and Ceramic company since November 2024. 
As a hobby, I also run Web Services, Graphic Design and Software Development Projects on my own. Actually, this is my most favorite hobby, So if you ask why I don't do that job, it's just my hobby, Interior design is my profession.
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